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Bernard Kerrins

Bernard Kerrins has been a Primary School teacher since 1986.

In that time he has worked in many schools across Victoria, building a solid reputation as a teacher of maths who engages teachers and children and instils a love of learning maths.

​Bernard is passionate about creating  meaningful learning experiences and helping students to make connections through rich contexts. 


Bernard has taught all primary school levels and developed his passion for maths teaching with his very first class. He is very hands on and likes nothing more than hearing his students start a question with "I wonder why...". His deep interest in Project Based Learning and Inquiry have taken him across the world exploring this further in schools across the UK, Finland and Canada.


Bernard has been a Numeracy Specialist in every school he has worked in, and for the past ten years has been a Numeracy Coach, Deputy Principal and Principal. He is also a qualified facilitator for a number of numeracy programs. It is critical that in all of his Leadership roles that he has maintained close classroom contact as he continues to model lessons and team teach with colleagues.


Bernard's  services are many and varied, ranging from demonstration lessons, team teaching experiences, parent engagement sessions, whole day presentations with staff to forming partnerships with schools for ongoing work with teachers in classrooms.


Bernard is able to make excellent use of his coaching and teaching skills to cater for the needs of teachers of all ages and experience, as well as children of all grade levels.


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