Easy to find Maths Videos
Hi Everyone, Rather than trolling through my YouTube Channel, maybe this document will make it easier for you to find something that...
How I Know My Number facts
Learning the Number Facts seems to be a constant chore for kids, teachers and parents. Here is a way that I do it that works for me and...
Bother!! The BEST maths game!!
This is the most successful maths game I've ever come across! Find ways to add numbers easily, but have the most fun at the same time. It...
Multiplication...For Mums and Dads!!
Mums and Dads (and even teachers!) Ever have trouble understanding how your kids do multiplication examples? Unsure about the language...
Maths For Parents...Subtraction!!
As parents, we are often unsure how to do maths the way our kids are taught. We were often taught a different way. Who hasn't had the...
Direct Instruction...With Fun!!
Do you do subtraction and addition differently to your children? Ever wondered how to do it? Learn how to do it in a fun way, without the...
Get Connected !!
Another fun way to learn your Number Facts. Use your skills with games like 'Connect Four' to try and get 4 counters in a row as you...
Remainders Race
Remainders Race Remainders Race This is another fun way to hopefully develop your number facts. At the same time, learn different ways to...
Part, Part, Whole
Part, Part, Whole Explore strategies to solve number problems. Discover ways to use subtraction to solve addition problems, and vice...
Give and Take
A fun way to develop your number facts, using multiplication and subtraction together. Be the first to get 4 or 5 in a row, get rid of...