Using Counting Charts
Rather than just use number charts for counting, look at ways to create charts of your own, and to explore the patterns we can create by...

Bean Bingo
Play the fun game of Bingo, but with a bit of a twist. To cross out your numbers, grab a handful of beans/counters, and try to make up an...

Estimation Bingo
Play Bingo with a twist, and collect counters to match the numbers on your OPPONENT'S chart!! Use your estimation skills to grab handfuls...

Bead String Counting
Often the traditional bead string is used in very limited ways, or not at all. Also, it is often used only in Junior grades, when it's...

Ro Sham Bingo !!!
Hi Everyone, Recently I posted a video made with the help from two enthusiastic teachers from the school I'm currently working at. It was...

One Less, One More
Create numbers, then list the before and after numbers. Be adventurous and select greater ranges of numbers to work with, and larger...

Number Jigsaw
Cut up a counting chart to create a jigsaw. Listen to the children as they explain why they believe certain numbers are put where they...

Kebab Stick Counting
Have fun making these counting sticks, then have even more fun using them!!

Difference Snap
Instead of playing traditional 'Snap', take it a step further by saying 'Snap' on the number that is 1 more/less, 2 more/less etc.

Counting Chart Cover Up
Place bits of paper over numbers on your counting chart, then see if you can write down the hidden numbers.