Are You Kidding Me?!!
I'm sure you have all seen or heard about signs and posters that advertise products and services, but somewhere along the line something...
One Million Heartbeats!!
How many times does your heart beat? Is it beating at this moment?? How long do you think it would take to have One Million Heartbeats??...
Where in the World are You?
Blogging This post will not be one that will give you an immediate activity that you can use in a classroom, but I think you can create...
Maths Facts for Motivation!!
Do you ever have those days where you just can't get motivated, or the students are as flat as pancakes? You just need that simple hook...
The Drawing of Maths
Not all students are confident with numbers, yet can still demonstrate their mathematical ability and understandings through other...
Doing Maths without 'Doing Maths'!
Over the past 18 months I have taken a temporary break from my previous teaching/admin role that I was in. In this time I have been lucky...
Using Photos as learning hooks
Have you ever considered the power of a photo as a 'hook' for learning? So often we can find kids being turned off with maths as soon as...
Using Patterns for Learning
Patterns are all around us. So much of our maths work involves the use of patterns in one way or another, particularly when learning...
20 Quick Maths Activities for Home...
While so many of you are still at home doing home learning with your kids, you often need a quick break with some different activities to...
Make 100...or More!!
This is a fun activity that develops skills in using the four operations ( +, -, x, ÷ )separately, and together. Goal: Be the first to...