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Are You Kidding Me?!!

I'm sure you have all seen or heard about signs and posters that advertise products and services, but somewhere along the line something has gone terribly wrong in the production of them.

Some of them may be intentional, but most are just laughable and hard to ignore.

After seeing many of these over time, I have been able to create a bit of a collection.

So why keep them?

Often we hear teachers saying that they run out of ideas to begin a lesson with, or need that little hook to try and engage the students at the start.

I find that using pictures like these often work well as the students are encouraged to discover the mistake, the humour or just the complete absurdity!

You may find pictures related to the content that you are covering, and these could be just the hook you are needing to launch the discussion, or to hone in on a specific teaching point.

Anyway, have a look at some of these and think of some ways that you may be able to use them with your students.

I'd love to hear back what responses and reactions you get when you use them!!

Looking for a special?

Hard to go past this massive price reduction!!

Looks like the designer of this clock was pushed for time and had to clock off early!!

At least this person was rewarded for their efforts, but what a great hook for doing a lesson on position and order!

Even your youngest students could be able to spot the error here, which seems quite deliberate.

This leads to a discussion as to why they chose to write it this way...

This could be a good introduction to percentages and fractions!

I wonder what attracted buyers here, the savings, or the error?

I guess if a parent got booked for speeding here, they'd quickly figure out the speed limit!!

There are leap years, and then there are other years as well???

Even with 8 seats, this family might need to leave a few kids at home!

Some work needed on halving needed here for sure!!

Never under estimate the importance of the decimal point!!

Who would take up the 18 month offer under the impression they were getting it for a steal?

Not sure what type of car it is, but surely the price appears a bit much?

That bonus nugget is always a deal breaker!!

Who would see this and think about what savings they are making!!

What the picture doesn't clearly show is the prices...

$4.89, $4.99 and $5.35

Once again, the value of the decimal point!

I know we are still paying less, but do they expect us to swallow this??

The $7.00 price tag might appear attractive, but could they have made the original price any smaller?

Hmmm... a play on words??

Was 7 pounds, but the half price discount actually increased the price!!

Nothing like doing all that you can to inflate the number about your community!

Seems like time is very important here, or maybe it isn't!

I get great mileage out of this one every year!!

Looks like the arrow needs to be turned around!!

And finally, this one sums up everything that I have shown on this post.

It just pays to take time to double check what we are putting out for others to see, and if in doubt, get the eyes of someone else to check it for sure!!


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