Bullseye !!
BULLSEYE !! A fun way to develop Number Facts and creating numbers. Suitable for all ages, great family fun!! For this, and loads of...
Difference Bingo
This is a fun way to develop skills in subtracting numbers. Turn cards over and work out the difference, then cross out these numbers on...
Who Am I ?
We have all played the old favourite game of "Who Am I?", where you have a tray of faces and you have to try and identify one that your...
AFL Finals 2021
It's Footy finals time in Australia!! For those overseas readers, I'm talking about Australian Rules Football, not the football you play...
Number Race
With the current lockdowns, I have been busy continuing to create maths videos that are suitable for all ages, and easy to administer and...
Wanted !!!
This is a fun activity that focusses on tapping into our number facts throughout the day. Non threatening, and engaging for all age...
Putting More Fun Into Maths!!
We often ask the kids to come up with numbers to use in ordering games, Bingo etc. Often these numbers are totally random and have no...
Number Facts Fun
This is a fun way to learn your number facts throughout the day, rather than just in maths lessons. Students keep a sheet of paper handy...
Number Facts
In my Gr 5 Class, we are always trying to come up with new ideas and ways to learn our Number Facts. ( We don’t call them our ‘Times...
This morning on the way to school I had an idea for a new game running through my mind. How was I going to get it sorted and turn it into...