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Flash Cards for Learning

Hi Everyone,

I have had so much success with these cards and these activities over so many years, it would be a crime to not share them!!

The Ten Frame drills at the start cannot be underestimated.

I have had Prep children being able to say the numbers they see as quickly as I could turn the cards.

For my overseas readers, Prep children are in their first year of school, and are 5-6 years of age.

It just takes time and committing to doing it regularly ( I do it daily)

In my current role at my school I had just started using them daily with my maths intervention groups, and within a week I was seeing results not just in their responses when using these cards, but also when making and counting groups in other maths activities.

The children I work with range from Gr 1 to Gr 4, which means that using these cards and activities should not just be limited to the Junior grades, I use them with all ages and just change the number range and complexity of questions.

So, have a look at the clips, and pay attention to how the activities can be altered for older classes.

I hope they help, and if you have other ways of using them, please let us all know.



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