At the school where I am currently working, I spend each morning with Maths Intervention groups.
I love this part of the day as it is the type of work that I enjoy the most.
We do a range of activities throughout the week, and are always looking for ways to improve what we are doing, and to change the activities to better suit the improvements that the kids are making.
In this game, the focus is on developing place value, and being able to read and understand the value of numbers.
The original idea came from an activity I had seen previously, but as soon as we played it and discussed it, the kids felt that they could come up with improvements.
The original idea was to make a number greater than the number that the dealer made, but they quickly decided that all they had to do was to make a large number.
After some discussion, they came up with the idea to have scores for when you had a number with the same value as the dealer.
This meant that a 9 for example could be placed in the ones, the tens, hundreds or thousands, rather than just always in the thousands.
This means that they could see the value of the 9 change depending on where it was put, rather than always being a thousands number.
Some other ideas they put forward...
* Make 2, 3 and 5 digit numbers. You could also include decimal numbers.
* If the dealer gets no matches at all with the other players, the dealer gets 5 points.
* If the players get exactly the same as the dealer, they get double score for that round.
Like all games, the rules can be changed any way you wish, and this is the beauty of learning as the kids develop a great sense of ownership of the games and activities.
Anyway, we hope you enjoy it, we sure do!!