More Dice and Card Games for Home
Addition Challenge
You need:
playing grids, dice/cards(A=1, picture cards and 10’s removed)
To play:
Roll the dice/turn over a card .
Every player puts this number in the top square.
Roll again/Flip again.
Players can put this number in either of the next two squares.
3rd roll/flip goes in the other square in that row.
Keep rolling the dice/flipping the cards.
Players can choose where to put the numbers in each row, but they cannot start filling in a new row until the previous row has been filled.
When all squares have been filled, add the numbers. Eg The 1 digit number + the 2 digit number + the 3 digit number and so on.
1st no goes here
2nd no. in either square, 3rd in
other square and so on for
each row.
Now you add your 1 digit no, your 2 digit no and so on. Who can get the highest or lowest total?
Make it easier by using only 3 rows, or more challenging by using more rows.
Target Bother
Play the game of “Bother” as normal, but this time you have to aim for a target number selected by your group eg 26. (The game of Bother was explained in a recent Games post on my blog)
When someone ‘knocks’, the rest have one last turn.
To score…
Hit the Target = 20 points
Within 0 - 5 of the target = 15 points
Within 6 - 10 of the target = 10 points
Within 11 – 15 of the target = 5 points
More than 15 from the target = 0 points!!
3 Card Mixer
Skills: addition/subtraction to 18, mixed problem solving, recall
Players: 2
Equipment: Cards (10’s and picture cards removed) Ace =1 - 9
To play: Divide the cards into 3 equal piles.
Player 1 turns over 2 cards, one from each of the first 2 piles. Players add these together.
The 3rd card is turned over and subtracted from the answer of the first two.
First one to say the answer gets to keep the cards. If a tie happens, return the cards to the bottom of the piles.
Play continues until all cards are used.
Players count up cards they have won.
Fifteen is a game for two players that you can play anywhere, anytime.
Write down the numbers 1-9, or, try it without writing anything down. (For when you become really good at remembering which numbers you have used!)
You take it in turns to choose one of the whole numbers 1 to 9 (and each number can only be chosen once). To win you have to pick 3 numbers that add up to 15.
Player 1 chooses 3 (now needs to make 12 more)
Player 2 chooses 6 ( now needs to make 9 more)
Player 1 chooses 5 ( now needs 7)
Player 2 chooses 7 ( blocks player 1, now needs 2)
Player 1 chooses 4 ( most other numbers gone, needs 2)
Player 2 chooses 2 and wins
You could put number cards out, or playing cards to make the game, or place different coloured counters on the playing sheet as your numbers are used.
A game for 2 or more players.
I die ( can be 6 or 10 sided) or use a pack of cards (A=1, 10’s and picture cards removed)
To Play:
Draw up a grid that has 9 squares
Roll a dice, put that number in any square. Keep doing this until all squares are filled.
Now add up your 3 three digit numbers.
Play a few times and see who gets the lowest total. Then try highest total.
For a real challenge, set a Target number, and try to be the closest to it (can be just above or below)