The Great Australian Holiday
There may be some limitations with aspects of this due to travel restrictions as a result of Covid19. Accommodation, flights and other transport forms might not be available online still. I'll leave this up to you to work around. At the time of publishing this I could still source overseas flights. Try to treat this project as if everything was still normal, it might take your mind off all that is going on and instil confidence in what hopefully lies ahead.
Perhaps you could consider this option as well...
Discuss with your own family the possibility of a holiday once this dreaded virus situation has passed. Even if lockdown continues, plan the trip as if it was actually going to happen!
What sort of budget will you work with?
Where might you go?
Within Victoria?
Somewhere else in Australia?
Overseas maybe?
A local camping trip, or day trips around your home town/district?
And for those overseas readers who I see have been logging in, use cities, states, provinces etc in your countries. I have just been using these examples as I live in Victoria in Australia.
Who knows, you might present an option for all of these, and by some twist of fate your family might be in a situation to take one of the holidays you have planned.
Remember, if you don't ask, you don't get!!! Be optimistic!!